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Going green in an organisation is more than just switching the lights off each night when you go home. It’s a change in culture, and the directive has to come from the top. The management of a company needs to clearly show they mean business if the rest of the staff are to follow suit.

But with our busy lives, it has to be easy to adopt any change that’s thrust upon us, and that’s where policies and the right communication comes into play. Many of your customers may now be asking to see a formal environmental policy from you or inquiring how your business interacts with the local neighbourhood.

Actually moving to a green culture is fairly straightforward if planned correctly. Most of the steps are fairly obvious, but it’s formalising the ideas and plan that ultimately make a real difference to your business and environment.

Jason Smith is a blogger and energy expert who has helped businesses increase their energy efficiency for over 10 years. Jason’s valuable expertise has helped thousands of companies cut their energy costs each year. He manages the website Business Electricity Prices, which advises small- and medium-sized businesses on reducing their utility bills, and continues to share his knowledge with the corporate world.