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Need to know how to calm the marketing mayhem?

10:00, Wednesday, 17 January 2018


Confused about what’s out there and what you should do? Don’t panic! Hannah is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing with 20 years’ experience in helping businesses sell, develop and marketing their products and services.This relaxed talk in our breakout area will help you start to think about your marketing in a different way. Or (if you have been putting this on the back burner), it will help you start thinking about it full stop! You will leave with a host of new ideas about what marketing really is and how to get the right kind of customers.

If you have ever downloaded any information on marketing you will now be bombarded by whatever the latest development is. Anything from website widgets to Facebook messenger bots. For SME’s this can be overwhelming and you may already have panicked and shelled out on marketing activity that either hasn’t borne fruit. Or even worse, you don’t know whether it has or not.

This talk will cover the following:
• What your brand is and why it is important
• Who your target market should be and how to find them
• What should be in your marketing plan for 2018
• Free stuff that you can use in your own marketing