Centre News

Wimbledon Coffee Morning

Although all eyes were on the World Cup this week, with England sadly loosing in the semi-final, we wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate another sportive event taking place this week: Wimbledon.

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The planned £250m lorry park off the M20 has been put on hold by the Government

The former Chancellor George Osborne proposed the lorry park at Stamford West, Kent, during 2015's Autumn Statement after the disruption that summer due to industrial action by French ferry workers and migrant activity in Calais. This caused a massive impact on businesses in the local areas from Maidstone to Dover. It meant that Operation Stack created 3,000 parking spaces for trucks on the motorway and closing the coast bound carriageway. The lorry park proposal proved unpopular with nearby residents, and in October last year was subjected to a judicial review.

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On the 11th May, the manager of the Folkestone Basepoint centre, Lorraine May, attended the opening of former tenant Noted in Style’s new premises. The makers and suppliers of bespoke stationery and packaging had their new office and production space opened by local MP Damian Collins. Once inside, the invited guests had a chance to look around the building and try their hand at foil printing their own books, as well as get their handwriting analysed by a professional graphologist. A traditional British afternoon tea was also served to keep guests refreshed.

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Gerald Glover Noted in Style

We'd just like to say a few words regards the excellent level of service we received when relocating to Folkestone Basepoint. Moving house and business at the same…

Steve Taylor - We Work With Data

Basepoint make premises rental so straightforward and friendly, that it leaves me to concentrate on running my business and helping my clients in the same, smooth fashion…

Phantom SG

Since moving in to the centre we have been made welcome, not only by other tenants, but also by the Basepoint staff. The Assistant Manager, regularly goes above and beyon…