Centre News

5 Ways to improve your meetings

What's the most boring hour you spend at work every week? There are so many possibilities that it's difficult to pick just one--but chances are that a meeting makes the list.

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How to Motivate Your Team During the Last Months of the Year

The end of the year is upon us as we begin our initial decent into the infamous fourth quarter. These final three months of the year will determine whether an organization's goals were met, objectives were accomplished and overall progress was made from the previous year.

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Key Benefits of Virtual Offices

Virtual businesses have been on the rise for more than a decade, and they show no signs of slowing down. Here are seven ways your employees, and your business, can benefit from a virtual office:

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Gerald Glover Noted in Style

We'd just like to say a few words regards the excellent level of service we received when relocating to Folkestone Basepoint. Moving house and business at the same…

Steve Taylor - We Work With Data

Basepoint make premises rental so straightforward and friendly, that it leaves me to concentrate on running my business and helping my clients in the same, smooth fashion…

Phantom SG

Since moving in to the centre we have been made welcome, not only by other tenants, but also by the Basepoint staff. The Assistant Manager, regularly goes above and beyon…