Centre News


LOOKING FOR A WAY TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE? On Friday 24th March join 500 people in climbing 70,000 steps on the East Stand of the Sixways Stadium and reach the summit of Mount Everest! The BizFit Couch to Summit Challenge is a bold and ambitious event designed to bring business owners from across Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire together to take part in a very different type of networking event whilst raising money for a good cause at the same time. With teams of people climbing together to the top of the virtual summit this promises to be an event where people will really get to know each other through the completion of a challenging common endeavour. So, if you: want to network with a group of likeminded individuals in a fun and different way want to stretch yourself out of your “comfort zone” want to better prepare yourself for any other challenges you might be facing want your business to not only grow but to thrive in 2017’s challenging business environment then REGISTER NOW and join us on the BizFit Couch to Summit Challenge and together let’s enjoy a fun filled day while raising in excess of £10,000 for charity. This promises to be an event people will be positively talking about for the rest of the year. Be part of it. See you on top of the world!

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For those starting out in the Business Networking circuit it can be a daunting prospect, something that can easily be pushed aside as a less important or less favourable element of business. When utilised in the right way, attending the right event formats for you, networking can bring many valuable opportunities and widen your businesses awareness. Claire Vagges, Centre Manager of Basepoint Tewkesbury, shares some tips from her personal experiences on making the most of networking.

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Our January networking hub was a great success

We are pleased to say that our January networking hub was very well attended and that the talk from Penny Martin at Folk to Folk which was about peer to peer funding for business. Congratulations to John McDonnell from CHarles Martyn Ltd who won our champagne prize draw. Also a thank you to Hedleys Catering who catered our event. If you would like to book on an event or become a guest speaker please get in touch. 01684 854 444 tewkesbury@basepoint.co.uk.

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What is the GDPR? The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is a new EU law which replaces the current DPA, or Data Protection Act. Why is the GDPR replacing the DPA? The original DPA first came into force around 1998, before the Internet became such a part of our day-to-day lives. In the last 20 years the way we use technology and the way we communicate with business has changed significantly and it was only natural that the way our data is handled by these businesses had to change as well. The main differences between the GDPR and DPA cover the definition of personal data and the way in which consent to use this data is obtained and managed. The GDPR has extended the definition of personal data and will require opt-in for the use of any data which can be used to identify a person, from name and age to cookies and internet tracking. On top of this, the regulation will require stricter processes for obtaining this opted-in data – say goodbye to pre-ticked opt-in boxes! Any data which you use for marketing purposes when the GDPR comes in effect will require a clear evidence that an opt-in has been obtained and should a customer request this evidence it will need to be given freely to them.

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If fear of failure is what is preventing you from starting a small business, you have to get around it and forge ahead. Fear that saves you from physical harm, such as the fear you feel when you see a huge slavering dog standing in your path or the fear that prevents most of us from shooting over Niagara Falls in a barrel, is a healthy thing. But the kind of fear that prevents you from doing things that you want to do that will enrich you is not. How can you break your paralysis and get past being scared of failure? You have to do two things: Prepare to succeed Change your attitude to failure Click here to read more on this topic on TheBalance.com.

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Devereux and Hunt

The Basepoint Business Centre in Tewkesbury provides us with everything we need to be able to run our business in a calm professional environment. Any problems regarding …

David Billingham, David Billingham & Partners

I just wanted to extend my warmest thanks to the team at Basepoint Tewkesbury for your help this afternoon. In the hectic world which I seem to inhabit it is a real plea…

Diana Stephens

Fantastic offices, professional staff. A cost effective yet desirable option for all types of businesses.