Centre News

7 Business Ideas You Can Start Up Quickly

The entrepreneurial spirit is strong with a lot of people, but starting a business can be a long and arduous process. However, with the right business idea, you could lay the groundwork and get your first gig in a matter of hours. Here are some easy-to-start businesses that can help get your entrepreneurial feet off the ground right away.

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How Can I Tell Whether My Business Ideas Are Good or Bad?

With an estimated 100 million new businesses launched globally each year, the chances of coming up with an entirely unique business idea literally become slimmer by the second. However, even if a similar product or service, you can still offer a unique experience that gives you an edge over your competitors. Today's challenges have forced businesses big and small to pivot and appeal to the new needs of their customers. Businesses that fail to clearly demonstrate value to their target consumers are destined to have short shelf lives. And in the economic downturn, reduced spending power means a business idea that might have worked a year ago may be less successful, or vice versa. Rich Vogel, founding partner and CFO of Loeb.nyc believes aspiring founders need to find a balance between catering to consumers during the crisis and making sure their product will still be valuable five years from now. “New entrepreneurs should think about whether they are just starting a business for the problems of today, or whether the product will extend beyond the crisis. They have to understand the long term potential of their business.”

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Elon Musk's Seven Productivity Tips

Elon Musk reportedly sent Tesla employees a memo, pledging a big push towards productivity as it gets production of its Model 3 car back on track. To that end, Musk apparently gave employees some of his personal productivity tricks — including a call for common sense, and his blessing to walk out of a meeting if it's not valuable.

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Martin Sayers, Hatch Homes Accelerator Ltd

When starting a new business your time is divided between the work and the red tape. Taking a Unit in Basepoint was one of our best decisions. The supportive friendly st…

Deborah Goode, WPA Healthcare

I attended the GEW event as an exhibitor and was blown away with how well run the event was, the number and caliber of the attendees. I will not hesitate to attend again …

Poolemead Accountants (Winchester) Ltd

Basepoint is a friendly and pleasant place to work, surrounded as you are by many other small businesses. Parking and easy access to the M3, A34 and A31 as well as Winche…