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Licensee holds drop in clinic at Basepoint Dartford


Simon Morgan from The HR Department held a successful ‘Essentials HR Surgery’ for fellow licensees

One of the many benefits of having an office with Basepoint means licensees can benefit from the expertise on offer from other businesses within the building.
On Thursday 1st June, Simon Morgan, director of The HR Department hosted a free ‘Essentials HR Surgery’ in the meeting room at the centre for any licensees in the building who may have questions about employment law or HR. It proved to be very popular with licensees ‘dropping in’ to see Simon and his colleague John with their HR questions.
Due to its popularity, Simon will be hosting more of these drop in surgery’s on a regular basis to be rolled out to the licensees in the building.
If you are a licensee and would like more information on the dates for this, please contact Lisa or Michelle. If you are not a licensee at Basepoint and you would like to find out more about the services The HR Department can offer, please contact Simon Morgan on 01322279998.