What's New


04:30, Thursday, 6 July 2017


Could you be personally liable for your actions as a director? This session of the Acumen Business Academy, hosted at Basepoint Crawley, will look at the key fiduciary duties owed to a company by it’s directors and types of conduct which would constitute a breach of those duties and the extent to which a director could be personally liable for them.

Throughout the session, we will also focus on ways in which the company can have recourse against any director who has failed to discharge his or her duties.

In addition to enabling a company director to better understand the duties they owe to the business and their potential liability, this Academy session will enable businesses to identify if and when action should be taken against a director and the benefits or pitfalls in doing so.

The session will be run by Alvin Ittoo, Dispute Resolution Solicitor at ACUMEN BUSINESS LAW with an interactive session for questions.  As always there will be refreshments and an opportunity for networking.

To book your free ticket, click here.