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Support available for businesses in Newport to use the Welsh language


A scheme is providing support to businesses who want to use the Welsh language. The Welsh Government announced earlier this year that they would offer new investment in supporting small and medium sized businesses support to become more bilingual.

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) in Wales has welcomed the move to support businesses who wish to use more Welsh.

Janet Jones, FSB Wales policy chair, said: “Wales is built on an SME economy – small businesses play a huge role in our local communities and help bring the vibrancy and diversity that we are accustomed to seeing in Newport.

“Many businesses wish to increase their use of Welsh, and this is where Sara and Menter Iaith Casnewydd can step in. There are so many ways to increase Welsh in the business, and working with Menter Iaith Casnewydd can make the transition as easy and straightforward as possible.”

Sara Peacock, Menter Iaith Casnewydd Welsh for Business Support Officer, said: “This is a very exciting time for the Newport business community, and I’m really looking forward to working with local business owners to help them make the most of the advantages the language can bring to them.

"Using Welsh in the workplace can make a real difference to a business and at Menter Iaith Casnewydd we are looking forward to supporting businesses that wish to do this.”

For more information about the support available contact Sara.Peacock@BusinessWelsh.Wales