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GDPR: Through the Marketing Lens. A Pragmatic Briefing for SMEs & Marketers

10:00, Monday, 23 April 2018


A practical overview from Mark Bradley, a seasoned marketing professional (who is not a lawyer!), sharing his common sense conclusions and recommendations as guest speaker at BASEPOINT ANDOVER.

Book now: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gdpr-through-the-marketing-lens-a-pragmatic-briefing-for-smes-marketers-registration-44911369114


Outline Agenda
Part 1: What do I need to know about GDPR? (as it relates to SMEs and marketing)
Principles and key differences to current legislation
Why it’s going to be different this time
What is compliance?
Consequences of non-compliance
Opportunities with compliance
Myths and reality
Difference between Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) and GDPR in practical terms
B2B vs B2C
SME vs Larger Enterprises
Scope and impact for businesses

Part 2: How do I comply? What should my response be?
We will explore how to respond to specific situations such as:

Should I re-permission my database? And how?
Are there alternatives to consent?
Collecting business cards – can I put them onto my CRM?
What if my database is reduced to nothing!
How should I plan for the future – marketing strategies designed around privacy
How do I store and record all the personal data and consent history? And keep them secure?
How do I manage multiple collection points and applications?
What about my website… cookies, tracking codes, etc?
How do I manage data requests?
What documentation should I do and why?
Does this affect our social media and online advertising?
What if we’re not ready by 25 May?

Part 3: Tools and templates to help SMEs
There’s a lot of documentation that firms need to do, so we have put together templates and checklists as a practical ‘toolkit’ for SMEs.

About the workshop host: Mark Bradley
Mark is a seasoned marketing professional with 20+ years’ experience in marketing agencies. He cut his teeth with London-based PR and advertising agencies before starting an ‘integrated’ communications agency in 1996 which he ran for 15 years. Founder of Tactical Results, a boutique marketing agency specialising in Facebook Advertising primarily for the hospitality, leisure and property sectors. He also runs strategic marketing evaluations for clients. Hampshire-based serving clients across the UK.

"Mark has really got to know GDPR and has saved us hours of time. He's devised insightful and creative solutions to help us and our clients process our data compliantly and positively."

– Edward Thomas, Director, Webkick Digital Marketing, Andover

Mark says,

“I’ve seen through the scaremongering and myths surrounding GDPR and picked my way through the legalese to arrive at common sense, practical answers. Compliance appears to be arduous, but does it have to be? How critical is compliance? Can you cherry-pick and prioritise your level of conformity?"

"I address basic questions, such as, ‘what is GDPR for an SME?’, ‘how does GDPR impact my marketing?’ and ‘What are the real risks on non-compliance?’, to answering ‘what is the optimum legal basis for my organisation to process personal data?’.