What's New


10:30, Thursday, 24 May 2018

High Wycombe

Basepoint will welcome all local agents and brokers to visit the centre on Thursday 24th May between 10:30 - 14:40 for a tour of our offices, workshops and facilities.

We are very keen at Basepoint to work with local agents and contacts, so that the commercial and residential sectors can cross refer and keep things local.

This open day is designed for us to meet our local contacts within Estate Agencies and Broker Agencies, to have a viewing of the centre and facilities we can offer on a flexible basis. We will also supply some lunch for after the tour.

This tour also exends to any local businesses who wish to pop in and view what we can offer, but are not at the stage of actually commiting to office space for the moment. This tour will give you a good idea of what you are aiming for and which product or service may be right for you.

To book a tour of our centre and meet our team, please email: highwycmbe@basepoint.co.uk