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Cupcake Sale for Solving Kids Cancer


Cupcakes donated by a licensees family member helped raise additional funds for the charity.

You may be forgiven for thinking that all we do at Basepoint Ipswich is eat.

We do also offer a fantastic range of offices, workshops and business solutions to suit just about everyones needs- but yes, we all do love to eat here too!

After finding out a licensees child is currently being helped by the charity 'Solving Kids Cancer', centre staff and licensees alike have thrown themselves in to fundraising, with the latest successful idea being a cupcake sale.

For a donation licensees and visitors could help themselves to cupcakes including chocolate, toffee and carrot cake! In total £77 was raised on the day which will be added to the over £200 already raised via other activities.

More information on the charity can be found here: https://solvingkidscancer.org.uk/