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Do you have the right products? B2B event with Kara Stanford as a guest speaker

12:00, Thursday, 27 September 2018


Do you have so many products and services that your product list is too long for even you to remember? Can you clearly state how each of your products / services solves a problem for your clients? Are you confident that you have the right products / services for your clients while also being profitable for your business?

This workshop will help you understand how to analyse your product portfolio to ensure it is full of products and services that your customers actually want and need.

Aimed at Directors of growing SMEs operating in the B2B sector, by the end of this 90 minute workshop you'll understand the problems your customers have,what you offer to help them solve those problems (your current products or services) - and what else you should be offering.

Run by award-winning Strategic Marketing Consultant Kara Stanford, this practical session will give you clarity and help you move your business forward.

Book your place as places limited to 8 people only.


Event Sponsored by Basepoint Winchester and includes networking buffet lunch.