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Cardea Open Day- Support at Home

09:00, Thursday, 13 December 2018


Cardea, in association with Unity, will be holding an open morning on 13th December 2018 from 9am - 12pm.

Come and join us for a complimentary mince pie, bacon roll and hot refreshments. An opportunity to find out more and ask specific  questions relating to their available community services.

Some of their services include:

Social Support - Respite sitting, visiting, accompanied day trips

Personal Support - Helping wth day to day tasks, asssisting with clothing or medication

Domestic Support - Shopping, house sitting, pet assistance, Laundry

This is only a small number of the services Cardea offer.

Please come along and meet the team, who can have a chat with you about the services and ask questions.

For further information on Cardea: https://www.cardea.ltd/our-services/