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B2B with Caroline Sproule from Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre

11:30, Friday, 11 January 2019


Are you tired of feeling tired all the time? Do you want to feel more alive? Do you want consistent longer lasting energy? Would you like to get back your zest for life?

Well I can help you with that. My name is Caroline Sproule and I am the owner of Bromsgrove Allergy and Nutrition Centre http://www.bromsgroveallergy.co.uk and a local health speaker.

For the past 22 years I have helped thousands of clients of all ages and from all over the UK to recover their health and their energy, by using my knowledge of the body and how it functions . I then combine that with helping people achieve an optimum diet , specifically avoiding foods that don’t suit them.

There are many lifestyle and dietary factors which affect our energy on a daily basis and which then have a cumulative effect, leading to a constant feeling of sluggishness and low motivation.

However, I have found that it only takes a few days to start feeling more energy and around 21 days to recover your energy by 75 per cent , following simple tips which I will share with you. I have seen clients with debilitating rheumatoid arthritis go from bedbound to biker!

In fact every day I see clients for their second visit and among the improvements in their general health and the symptoms they came to me with, one of the outstanding improvements is in their motivation, zest and energy.

So please come along if you would like to hear my simple tools and tips which I have used to change the lives of all of my clients over the past twenty two years.

Please join us for an informal presentation followed by FREE lunch and networking with like-minded business people. 

Looking forward to seeing you on January 11th

Here’s to a New You In 2019!!

Best Wishes

Caroline Sproule BA Dip AT

( Allergy and Nutrition Consultant )