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Networking Hub - Featured Speaker - Michael Short

11:30, Thursday, 28 February 2019


On Thursday 28th February Basepoint Tewkesbury will be holding a B2B Networking Hub at the centre from 11:30 to 13:30. The event will feature a talk from guest speak Michael Short who will be offering guidance to company owners on how to maximise the value of their businesses and plan their exit strategies.

Michael develops deep and trusted relationships with Executive leaders and business owners, their teams and reports, to enable them to create the required change to achieve their purpose.

Over the last 30+ years Michael has held CEO and President roles in Europe and the USA. His understanding of the challenges of value creation and exit planning comes from first-hand experience and implementation.

Most transformations require a significant evolution of the company’s culture, as well as an acceptance of disruption, evolutionary change and innovation. Michael is especially effective at supporting companies to deliver change required to go to the next phase of company development – whether that be growth, exit, refinancing, new shareholders, new business areas or other strategic goals.

Many company owners and shareholders are unaware of the challenge of the transformation needed to achieve that purpose. Once this awareness is raised and addressed; both the outcomes, routes to that outcome and what needs to be done to reach an option rich position can be attained.


The talk will be followed by a complimentary light buffet lunch and plenty of opportunity to network with other attendees. Basepoint also provides a business card prize draw. This is a bookable event and places are limited. To reserve your space please call Claire or Emma on 01684 854444.