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Mental Health First Aid Champions - date tbc


This one day course, with a workplace focus, is ideal for raising awareness of mental health and learning skills to support others.

The course is taught through a mix of group activities, presentation and discussions.

Mental Health First Aid Champions are able to:

Recognise the main signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide initial help
Guide the person towards appropriate professional help
Develop an understanding of how they can create and maintain a healthier and more productive workforce
Be mindful of their own wellbeing
Course Overview

About Mental Health First Aid
About Mental Health and stress in the workplace
Anxiety Disorders Other mental health issues (eating disorders, self-harm, psychosis)
Alcohol, drugs and mental health
Applying the Mental Health First Aid Action Plan
Building a mentally healthy workplace
Action Planning
Everyone who completes the course gets a workbook, a MHFA manual and Line Managers' Resource and certificate to say they are an MHFA Champion.

The course will start at 09.00 prompt and finish at 17.00. Registration and coffee will be available from 08.45.

The ticket price includes refreshments and lunch on the day.