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Basepoint Easter Egg Hunt


Basepoint licensees were treated to an Easter Egg hunt on Wednesday 17th of April.

Long gone are the days of having the entire Easter break off for most of our licensees, however that shouldn't stop them having a little Easter celebration and hunting for some much needed chocolate!

Centre staff were in eatly on Wednesday morning to hide Easter-themed stickers around the centre. With prizes ranging from mini chcolate bunnies to a giant chocolate egg larger than a football, there was definitely a sense of competitiveness and an interest in their surroundings not often witnessed in our licensees on a Wednesday!

After a hard day of searching (these stickers weren't going to be easy to find!) a number of licensees had indulged in a little Easter cheer!

Congratulations to xxxx who found the star prize and now gets to decide how, or indeed IF they will share their egg with their colleagues.

Speaking about the event, centre manager Alison Morrissey commended "Basepoint isn't just a business centre, it is also a thriving business community. Events like this bring people from different offices together, not only for a bit of fun, but also to strengthen this bond. We love putting on these events and can't wait to host more!"