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Basepoint Dartford Wins 'Centre of Excellence' Award


The team at Basepoint Dartford were recently presented with the highly coveted award.

The Centre of Excellence award is presented once a Quarter to a centre in the UK and awarded based on a varied criteria. Basepoint Dartford (pictured) were ecstatic to discover that they had met these targets in Quarter One.

Tammina Gilbert, Centre Manager commented "To receive the Award of Excellence for Centre Performance was a fantastic surprise. Our team work well together and always strive to go above and beyond for our customers. This award is recognition for all of our hard work and has pride of place in our Reception."

Lisa Rooney, Operations Manager, added "To see the results of our hard work paying off is hugely motivating for us all and I am really excited to see us continuing to make improvements in all areas of our business and working together as a team to achieve our best results yet!"

Congratulations to the team at Dartford. Expectations are high for the next Quarter to see if they can maintain their trophy!