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12:00, Thursday, 25 July 2019


Free B2B Networking Hub- Basepoint Waterlooville with guest speaker Annelies James

Come along and join us for our FREE B2B networking event. Fantastic presentation from our guest speaker Annelies James about The Power of being Personal along with networking and lunch

In the age when almost everything is branded and people feel connection to branded objects it is a good opportunity to use the power of personal branding to ramp up your engagement and potentially sales. Becoming a personal brand is quite complex and takes a lot of self-discovery and reflection but if you master this you can create followership which in turn leads to more opportunities.

In this seminar Annelies will help you discover the power of becoming a personal brand online, what personal branding is, how to untap your own personal or professional brand and most importantly how to engage others. We will also cover the why... Because we want more engagement and better incoming sales, referrals and leads! Full of useful tips and tricks about how to implement this on a tight budget and tight timescale, this session focuses on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Thank you to Natwest Business Growth Enabler, Aaron Britton for supporting our event.


12:00-12:30 Arrival, coffee and networking

12:30-13:15- Presntation- The Power of Being Personal

13:15-14:30- lunch and networking