What's New


12:00, Wednesday, 14 August 2019


How the College can support Small and Medium businesses in Training, Funding & Apprenticeships. Come and join a NatWest & Basepoint Waterlooville hosted event working with Havant & Southdowns College.

This event is to support SME's with the following areas:

Skills and how the college can work with businesses to upskill the current workforce

Apprenticeships – both the recruitment process and the funding eligibility

Levy and levy transfer from larger organisations and how the college can help signpost SMEs to the support that is out there

A discussion on the benefits of Apprenticeships – namely the investment in young people, the chance to upskill current staff and the ability to progress to higher levels including degrees

T Levels and the help/ support we need from employers to help develop the curriculum for young people

Adult Training: the funding through the AEB and ESF as well as the Adult Learner Loan for higher skills

Complimentary Drinks & Catering will be provided.


12:00pm - 12.30pm Arrivals, Teas & Coffees

12.30pm - 13.00pm Presentation by Havant & Southdowns College

13.00pm - 14.00pm Networking Opportunity

Please use this link to book your place https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/free-networking-hub-at-basepoint-waterlooville-tickets-66662255601