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Global firm EY commits to new base in Southampton


ONE of the biggest professional services firms in the world has signalled its commitment to Hampshire by signing a three-year lease on a new office in Southampton city centre.

EY says the move will increase its floor capacity in the city by more than 20 per cent and follows 12 months of significant growth, with 40 new staff hired this year.

The firm, also known as Ernst & Young, expects to relocate to its new offices at Grosvenor House, in Grosvenor Square, early next year, after two floors of the 30,000sqft building are refurbished.

It says its new base will offer open plan office space, amenity areas and client meeting space.

EY, currently based at Wessex House in Threefield Lane, said recent recruitment had brought together a team with international experience and knowledge of the region’s business landscape.

It intends to continue to build its audit business and expand its tax practice, working with clients across the south coast corridor. Its 700-strong business in the region includes EY offices in Reading and covers Thames Valley and the south.

Dave Hales, managing partner at EY’s Southampton office, said: “We’re incredibly excited to have signed a lease on new office space in the city. We’ve been at our current location for nearly 30 years but needed to find somewhere to accommodate our expanding business.
