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“Portfolio worker”, “freelancer”, “side hustler” – whatever you want to call it, more and more of us are turning away from direct employment and working for ourselves. The gig economy has given rise to shorter contracts and more flexible working practices, shunning the traditional office and 9-5.

This type of flexible working can offer a better work and life balance, allowing workers the freedom and power to work when and where they want, without a boss breathing down their neck. 

However, as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. While it’s liberating to not have a line manager keeping an eye on your every Google search from across the office floor, working by yourself requires a great amount of self-discipline to meet deadlines on your own time.

Distraction is a big issue for anyone regularly working from home – whether it’s getting stuck into household chores, finishing off a hobby project or simply just the freedom to watch TV and surf the internet with no one to tell you otherwise.

Increasingly, freelancers are opting to work from coworking offices or flexible spaces to benefit from a creative environment and often see a productivity improvement, whilst also creating a divide between work and home.

Working in your pyjamas might be a fun novelty the first few times you get to do it, but when you realise you’ve spent more time reading the news than replying to clients, it might be time to switch things up.

Regus offers hot desking and coworking spaces in over 3,000 locations. There’s the option of signing up for a permanent desk that’s reserved and waiting for you every day, or there are flexible hot-desking options that can be rented on a daily or even hourly basis. All of Regus’s bright, well-designed office spaces come with high-speed internet and staffed receptions as standard, as well as kitchen areas and meeting spaces.

Plus, if you’re starting out as a sole trader but find your business is starting to grow and you want to collaborate or take on an employee, Regus workspaces allow you to add more space as and when you need it.

At the same time, even if it’s just you, being in an environment with other like-minded freelancers can create the opportunity for collaboration and inspiration. Being your own boss aside, two heads are better than one.