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Hampshire firm playing major role in multi-million pound power station clean-up


A COMPANY in Hampshire is a major player in a multi-million pound EU contract to clean up emissions from a power station in Kosovo.

The project is the biggest ever contract win for RJM International, which employs around 30 people at its base in Winchester.

The company, which operates all over the world, specialises in cleaning up emissions from power stations and other combustion plants such as refineries.

Its work is part of a 76million euro contract (approximately £65.1m) awarded by the EU.

John Goldring, managing director of RJM International said: “This multi-million euro project awarded by the EU is a major milestone for RJM. It recognises our award-winning capability to deliver significant reductions in NOx emissions using our innovative technologies and, as a company, places us as a key partner to help deliver the EU’s ambition to reduce levels of key pollutants by between 79 per cent and 91 per cent by 2030.

“At a local level, it confirms that RJM is a significant business with global reach and that our modelling, combustion and engineering professionals are at the top of their game.

“As well as this Kosovo project, we are currently working on other emissions reduction projects in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Italy, as well as the UK.”

The contract is funded by the EU’s Pre-Accession Assistance programme – a scheme which helps prepare the “enlargement countries” outside the European Union for obligations of membership.

The lignite-fired power station Kosovo B, near the capital Pristina, will be modernised in cooperation with the government of Kosovo, under the direction of the international engineering company Engineering Dobersek GmbH.

RJM is part of a consortium working to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and dust emissions from the station, while improving plant efficiency to deliver more power from its boilers.

RJM International is responsible for designing and engineering the NOx reduction system, achieving the75 per cent reduction in NOx emissions mandated by the EU.

It will supply its equipment to the site for installation by Engineering Dobersek. Work began in December, with commissioning of the modernised station due to take place in two stages at the end of 2020 and 2021.

In 2017, RJM won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the innovation category.
