What's New

Stress Management Workshop

14:00, Wednesday, 12 February 2020


Wednesday 12th February, 1400-1700, Presented by Jo Sawkins of Wings Wellbeing

You don’t have to be stressed, heading for burnout, having trouble sleeping or overwhelmed by the challenges of life to attend this interactive workshop. But it will help you avoid those things and also give you some vital skills to deal with day to day demands, as well as tricky situations, in a calm, confident way. We’ll look at what stress is and how it affects the body and your health.

Science based tips and techniques to feel relaxed and confident quickly and easily.

Empower yourself with practical, effective ways to reduce and manage stress appropriately and calmly for your resilience and wellbeing.

Jo Sawkins 07961 014129 jo@wingswellbeing.co.uk www.wingswellbeing.co.uk

NLP Master Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, Stress Management Trainer, Lightning Process Practitioner.