What's New

Four star Severn Bore on the way - here's how you can see it


Wave watchers might want to head to the banks of the River Severn this month as a couple of four star bores are on the way. Famous across the globe, the bore surges up the River Severn, rising to form a wave. A strong bore can reach as far as Tewkesbury Weir. Predictions are based around spring tides, when the height of the tide at Sharpness is approximately 9.5m. A bore can roll in for all tides above eight metres however. The bores are ranked from one star to five star based on the predicted height of the bore. There are currently no five-star bores predicted for 2020 despite multiple ones occurring in 2019. However there are a number of four-star bores set to take place with tides predicted to reach a height of more than 10m.

These are the details of all the notable bores taking place for the rest of the year

Date; bore-rating; time at Newnham; Severn Bore Inn; Minsterworth Church; Stonebench; Over Bridge; Tide (m).


Friday, 18; two star, 8.28am, 9.21am, 9.28am, 9.43am, 10.03am 9.6m

And then again; four star , 20.44pm, 21.37pm, 21.44pm, 21.59pm, 22.19pm, 10m

Saturday, 19; three star, 09.09am, 10.02am, 10.09am, 10.24am, 10.44am, 9.8m

And then again; four star , 21.26pm, 22.19pm, 22.26pm, 22.41pm, 23.01pm, 10.1m

Sunday, 20; three star, 9.49am, 10.42am, 10.49am, 11.04am, 11.24am, 9.7m

And then again; three star, 22.05pm, 22.58pm, 23.05pm, 23.20pm, 23.40pm, 9.8m


Friday, 16; three star, 19.40pm, 20.33pm, 20.40pm,  20.55pm, 21.15pm, 9.8m

Saturday, 17; three star, 8.04am, 8.57am, 9.04am, 9.19am, 9.39am, 9.8m

And then again; four star , 20.22pm, 21.15pm, 21.22pm, 21.37pm, 21.57pm, 10.2m

Sunday, 18; four star , 8.45am, 9.38am, 9.45am, 10am, 10.20am, 10m

And then again; four star , 21.03pm, 21.56pm, 22.03pm, 22.18pm, 22.38pm, 10.2m

Monday, 19; three star, 9.25am, 10.18am, 10.25am, 10.40am, 11am, 9.9m

And then again: three star, 21.44pm, 22.37pm, 22.44pm, 22.59pm, 23.19pm, 9.8m