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The ancient Gloucestershire monument which sits in a garage forecourt off the A46


The forecourt of a petrol station is an unlikely place to find an ancient monument. But a mile or so out of Tewkesbury, the garage at the Teddington roundabout has this unusual distinction. Called the Tibblestone the gnarled and rounded old rock is naturally pierced here and there, as ancient standing stones of this kind sometimes are. The purpose it served is open to debate. Some such stones were placed as markers along established routes – and the Tibblestone does stand alongside an age old way. Other tall stones were used to identify burial places, or were the remains of long barrows. Yet another function was to mark a boundary and this is most widely believed to be the function of the Tibblestone, which stands at the edge of what was once called Tibblestone Hundred.

Next time you’re passing that way take a look at the old finger post on the other side of the road from the Tibblestone, which was pointing travellers in the right direction long before satnav arrived on the scene.

Gloucestershire, like all other counties in England, was split into Hundreds until such ancient administrative areas were abolished in 1867. Look at an old map and you’ll see that Hundreds were certainly not uniform in size.

Instead a Hundred was measured by other means, such as an area occupied by 100 households, or one that could supply 100 soldiers. Each Hundred had a monthly court at which local disputes could be heard.

The Tibblestone was mentioned in the Doomsday book, then again in 1779 by Samuel Rudder in his “New history of Gloucestershire”. Sometime in the 19th century the stone mysteriously disappeared, but came to light again in 1948 as the Tewkesbury Register & Gazette reported.

“When the Teddington Hands Garage Ltd. decided to replant with grass at the front of their garage at the junction of the Cheltenham-Evesham and Tewkesbury-Stow roads, they found what they thought was a round stone, of which about a foot was showing, and dug to raise it up. Although they had dug down for about eight feet by the weekend, the stone, which is roughly cylindrical and about eighteen inches in diameter was still not uncovered. They had found the Tibble Stone, marked on the six-inch ordnance survey map, which is a boundary stone of which reference is made in the Domesday Survey.”

Where did the stone originally come from? According to local folklore, a giant threw it from nearby Dixton Hill at pirates sailing up the Severn. His foot slipped, explaining the scar that can be seen on the hillside to this day, and the stone landed in its present spot.