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What is a workplace?


Well, it is a place in which you work. It can be your car your home, on site, in an office but most importantly and often not mentioned, it is in your head. All of your creativity, efficiency and “eureka” derive from your headspace and not from your physical environment. This is why it is so important that your physical environment nurtures your head space. Now don’t get me wrong, I think working from home is the bees knees! No commute, no faffing with my hair straighteners and that bit right on the back of my head that never really looks right.

Similarly, working remotely en-route has its attractions. The feeling of efficiency you get from fitting admin in while waiting for your next appointment in your car. Being able to pop in to an out of touch client ,as you were in the area and making that sale, a real buzz.

However, I also think that the law of diminishing returns is a factor. The washing machine cycle finishing just as I was formulating an idea. The postman leaving a parcel for the neighbour when I was on a roll for sales calls. Dropping my phone down the side of the car seat and spending the next 40 minutes realising my food budget is being wasted on lost m and ms. 

Like any working environment, some days go well and some days not so much. This isn’t really about the most productive solution for a company. Although the phrase often makes its way into many a sales presentation. 

This is about a personal sense of achievement and well being, that prevents us as individuals from working through into the evening because we just don’t feel accomplished. This is about striking a balance for the greater good. Our own greater good. 

Now the sales bit.... Here at Basepoint Tewkesbury we offer day offices that you can book online for the day, by the hour if you like. Just for when you need that change to kickstart your headspace.  The office is private and is fully equipped with wifi, desk and phone as well as all the services of a managed business centre. I should also say a fabulous and helpful team. Register for free https://www.basepointapp.co.uk/home