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Help shape Tewkesbury Borough’s heritage


A public consultation will be launched this week on Tewkesbury Borough Council’s approach to preserving the heritage of the area. Two important documents have been produced: the Tewkesbury Borough Heritage Strategy and the Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage: Design Guidance for Tewkesbury Borough (a Supplementary Planning Document). The council is inviting residents to send in their thoughts on the approach the council is taking (outlined in the two documents). Responses must be submitted by 4pm on Friday 29 October 2021 and full consideration will be given to each one, ensuring that as many people as possible provide insight into the best ways of preserving local heritage across the borough. The Heritage Strategy document lays out the council’s action plan for protecting and enhancing the borough’s historic environment. This is set out in the council’s Joint Core Strategy and in the Tewkesbury Borough Plan (currently being formulated).

The Supplementary Planning Document has been drafted to specifically promote appropriate shop front and signage design within the historic areas of the borough and to offer guidance to designers and applicants in submitting planning proposals. Although this document applies to the whole borough, it has particular significance for Tewkesbury town as its publication will coincide with the launch of grant funding for restoring and repairing traditional shopfronts as part of the Tewkesbury High Street Heritage Action Zone.

The Heritage Strategy can be viewed at: www.tewkesbury.gov.uk/heritage#heritage-strategy

The Supplementary Planning Document can be viewed at: www.tewkesbury.gov.uk/local-plan#draft-shopfronts,-shutters-and-signage:-design-guidance-for-tewkesbury-borough-spd 

Both documents can also be viewed at Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Public Services Centre, Tewkesbury Tourist Information Centre and at all libraries and advice centres in the borough.

Residents should submit their comments in writing by:

email: planningpolicyenquiries@tewkesbury.gov.uk

post: Planning Policy, Tewkesbury Borough Council, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5TT

Councillor Mel Gore, lead member for built environment, said: "We are inviting all those who value the area's historic character, and who wish to be involved in helping to protecting it, to send us their views on our proposals. Every comment we receive by the 29 October deadline will be given careful consideration when we come to prepare the final documentation."

Anyone with other questions on this public consultation can contact the council's planning policy team by emailing planningpolicyenquiries@tewkewsbury.gov.uk