Centre News


In this article we share some business ideas which require very little, if any, start-up costs for would be entrepreneurs on a budget. Remember you don’t necessarily have to have an original idea. Many of the most successful small businesses are those that focus on the sheer demand for a tried and tested service.

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Escaping from the office rat race is often cited as one of the most attractive aspects of starting your own business. No more rush hour commutes, no meetings that drag on, and no more projects landing on your desk at 4:55 PM on a Friday.

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You want to attract the right candidates to apply for your vacancies, so that you have a choice of suitable people to fill vacant roles. But there is a very high rate of employment and the recruitment market has got more and more difficult. You have spent time producing a recruitment strategy and you have up-to-date job descriptions for your roles, so you are all set to start recruiting whenever the need arises. But how can you make sure you attract the right people to apply?

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Turning your hobby into a business SOME SMALL BUSINESS IDEAS Here are a few small business ideas if you are a single person. Some of these can be accommodated in a co-working environment.

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Mark Randall, Mark Randall Physiotherapy

I have been at Basepoint for just over 7 years and have experienced fantastic help and support from the team during this time. The centre is very well maintained and of…

Corporate Interior Design (UK) Ltd

Corporate Interior Design (UK) Ltd have been at the Basepoint Business Centre for 17 years now and we enjoy having our office here. The centre itself provides good facil…

Select Technology

With the permanent availability of a workshop for analysis and testing purposes plus access to high quality meeting rooms whenever required, Basepoint provides an excelle…