Centre News

Poor onboarding continues to cost SMEs millions

Poor 'onboarding' practices are costing SMEs millions of pounds in reputation and recruitment, but getting the process right really pays off. Almost a third of office workers in SMEs say that they haven’t started a job role despite accepting the initial offer.

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360 Law Group

360 Law Group is a virtual practice that offers advice on legal areas from private client and consumer law to property and commercial matters.

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Chris Hardy, S-Connect Ltd

We have been here in Camberley Basepoint since January 2013 and find the facilities very accommodating to our needs. The Basepoint Staff here provide a very professiona…

Sue Bevan, Wendy B

WendyB Employment provides recruitment services to business throughout the Surrey / Hampshire area. Having made the decision to relocate from Aldershot, we chose Basepoin…

Phil Henden, Easy Street Financial Services

Basepoint premises offers Easy Street a flexible service and managed office. Every enquiry we have is dealt with a professional and prompt response. We have had a few in…