Centre News

Basepoint Tewkesbury £10,000 Match Fund for Local Charity WInston's Wish

The whole of Basepoint is owned by a charity and 100% of our profits are gift aided to charities. In addition, to this Basepoint Tewkesbury have a chosen local charity who they offer match funding to of up to £10,000 per financial year. In the year ending 31st March 2017 Basepoint Tewkesbury are happy to say that via a combination of their own fund raising being matched and Winston's Wish fund raising being matched that they have paid the full £10,000 available to Winston's Wish. For more information about the charity for bereaved children you can visit their website at https://www.winstonswish.org.uk

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B2B Networking Hub - Featured Speaker - Nigel Dunand of Sandler

You are invited to attend our Networking HUB taking place at Basepoint Tewkesbury on Wednesday 26th April 2017 at 11:30. The event will be hosted by Centre Manager, Claire Vagges and will feature a talk from guest speaker Nigel Dunand of Sandler. Struggling to get enough appointments with the right people? Tired of wasting time quoting and hoping…and chasing? Frustrated by customers that don’t appreciate your value? Hiring sales people that interview great, but get stuck in the “buyer-seller dance” and fail to produce?Are sales challenges getting in the way of the financial success you know you deserve? Nigel will look at the cause of some of these common challenges, and some unconventional strategies to avoid them. The talk will be followed by a complimentary light buffet lunch and plenty of opportunity to network with other attendees. Basepoint also provides a business card prize draw. Places are limited and so book now on 01684 854 444 or email us on tewkesbury@basepoint.co.uk

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Centre Management at Basepoint Tewkesbury are happy to announce that they have hit 100% occupancy for April 2017. It's a fantastic achievement for the Centre and all who continue to build such a vibrant community here at Basepoint. A special thank you to Bob our handyman and Assistant Manager Emma for going above and beyond to make a 1st April move in possible for our newest client Murray's Medical Services. 100% occupancy will however be short lived as we have some changes within the centre meaning that we will have more space available as at 1st May 2017. If you are interested in joining our vibrant business community please get in touch for a tour of the centre tewkesbury@basepoint.co.uk.

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When planning for growth, one thing that will often weigh on a business owners mind is the question, “When is the right time to recruit new staff?” Do you wait until you land that big new contract and then look for the staff you need? Or, do you take the risk and take on the staff first, so when new contracts come you can cope with the upturn in business? It can be a tough choice to make especially when you need to balance factors like cash flow, training, productivity and the consistent quality of output. However, there are some things to consider which might make that decision clearer. Here are five questions to ask yourself to help determine whether or not you should be recruiting new staff. Are the skills you need for business growth being met? If you find in your business there is a gap in a particular skillset – for example, the need for specialised management expertise or digital marketing knowledge – it might be time to recruit to give you the competitive edge. Recruiting someone with specialised knowledge and experience in that missing area will fill the gap and expand the scope of delivery your business is able to offer to clients.

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What a great event at Basepoint Tewkesbury

We are pleased to say that our March networking hub was very well attended and that the talk from Neil Batt & Katie Powers from Tewkesbury Borough Council was very well received. They spoke about grants available to businesses within the locality and have offered to come back to speak again on the subject if there is sufficient demand. We had great twitter interaction throughout the event. Follow us @Basepoint_Tewks to get involved.Thank you to Hedleys Catering who catered our event. If you would like to book on an event or become a guest speaker please get in touch. 01684 854 444 tewkesbury@basepoint.co.uk.

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Devereux and Hunt

The Basepoint Business Centre in Tewkesbury provides us with everything we need to be able to run our business in a calm professional environment. Any problems regarding …

David Billingham, David Billingham & Partners

I just wanted to extend my warmest thanks to the team at Basepoint Tewkesbury for your help this afternoon. In the hectic world which I seem to inhabit it is a real plea…

Diana Stephens

Fantastic offices, professional staff. A cost effective yet desirable option for all types of businesses.